How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf – Molly Harper

I got this in a two for one sale on Audible. I purchased it yesterday afternoon and started listening almost immediately. I abandoned TV with my family after dinner to keep listening and doing a bit of crochet (I’ll post a picture of the completed project on Instagram later today).

Not sure that I should have found this in the Paranormal Fantasy section, I feel it should probably been in a section with the label romance somewhere. Either way this was a fantastic book that I stayed up till 2am to finish listening too in one go! I got two awards on Audible for Night Owl and for listening all in one go.

Mo moves from Mississippi to a small town in Alaska to escape her hippy parents Saffron and Ash. After the cook at the town saloon injures his hand she offers to help Buzz and Evie out. Cooper is a surly but rather attractive local that Mo takes a liking to but finds slightly aggravating at the same time. She soon puts two and two together (an incident with a wolf and meeting Cooper close up) and works out that Cooper is the wolf. Fair warning if you read this book it has some profanity but it has some really great sex scenes!

I sometimes find with audiobooks that I dislike listening if the reader is an american. In this case the voice was just right for the characters and it swept the story along beautifully. Always listen to a sample before you purchase where you can, it can make or break a book sometimes.

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