Categorised as a romance novel and released by Harlequin, a division of Mills and Boon the renowned romance publicists, this is a departure from my usual material. Honestly I picked it because it said Christmas and I am a sucker for all things Christmassy.
Meet Isla and Hannah Winters, two sisters who live in Notting Hill, London. Hannah works in a local florist and is in love with her Postman Raj. Isla works for Breekers International, a company who design and build all sorts of buildings. Our story starts as Chase Bryan, the new CEO of Breekers arrives in London from New York with his two daughters Brook and Maddie. Isla is asked to help him for the duration of his stay. Isla shows the three guest some of the best sights in London and Notting Hill. And there is the quest to save Notting Hill and the Christmas Party from disaster.
This was a great book, with some unexpected twists which kept it interesting. It was super easy to read and really easy to get behind the real and relatable characters. I am definitely going back for some more Mandy Baggot, might even try some other romance novels.
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