Straken is the third and final instalment in the High Druid of Shannara trilogy. For my review of the second book Tanequil click here.
We rejoin the story with Penderrin Ohmsford leaving the garden of the Tranquil and attempting to cross the bridge back to his companions only to discover that they have been captured by the druids. They do this in the hope that they might be able to bargain with Pen for the release of his friends if he will go with them to Paranor. They also incorrectly claim to hold Rue and Bek at Paranor.
Meanwhile Grianne Ohmsford, And Rhys of the Third Druid Order is stuck in the Forbidding, known by its inhabitants as the Jarka Ruus (also the name of the first novel). Weka Dart the Ulk Bog frees Grianne so he might curry favour with her.
Whilst all of this is happening Khyber Ellesedil who stowed away on a ship bound for Paranor has narrowly escaped death. Rue and Bek have escaped Paranor with the help of two young druids still loyal to Grianne and have travelled to Taupo Rough. There they find Kermadec the Troll, Tagwen the dwarf and the rest of the group. They all troop back to Paranor to help save Pen and Grianne when they cross back over.
This book seemed to move a lot faster than most of the other Shannara novels. I enjoyed it and it has a great ending.
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