Ali Sparkes

Ali Sparkes.
Ali Sparkes has written quite a few different series of books ranging from childrens to young adult. SWITCH, Monster Makers, and The Shapeshifter all involve animals.

Spider Stampede (2011)
Fly Frenzy (2011)
Grasshopper Glitch (2011)
Ant Attack (2011)
Crane Fly Crash (2011)
Beetle Blast (2011)
Lizard Loopy. (2012)
Chameleon Chaos. (2012)
Turtle Terror. (2012)
Gecko Gladiator. (2012)
Anaconda Adventure. (2012)
Alligator Action. (2012)

Monster Makers.
Electrotaur and Slashermite. (2008)
Stinkermite. (2008)
Bashertaur. (2008)
Spacermite. (2009)
Rockataur. (2009)

The Shapeshifter Series.
Finding the Fox. (2006)
Running the Risk. (2007)
Going to Ground. (2007)
Dowsing the Dead. (2007)
Stirring the Storm. (2008)

Fang and Feather (2016)

A Life and Death Job (2011)
Mind Over Matter (2012)
Trick or Truth (2012)
Speak Evil (2013)
The Burning Beach (2014)

Other Books.
Frozen In Time (2009)
Dark Summer (2009)
Wishful Thinking (2010)
Out of this World (2013)
Destination Earth (2014)
Car Jacked (2015)
Thunderstruck (2017)
Night Speakers (2018)


To read the Shapeshifter and Unleashed series with the intended timeline read  the first five Shapeshifter novels and then read the Unleashed series, after that read “Fang or Feather”.
click –> Ali Sparkes for the official website.