So I went for some comics recently for a bit of light relief on the morning commute to work when sometimes a proper book is too heavy for my tired brain. I love the Karl Urban movie Judge Dredd and wanted to see what 2000 AD had done originally in the comics. I chose a Judge Dredd and a Judge Anderson.
This comic is actually quite heavy in it’s content, it deals with the effects of a post nuclear world which is what all Judge comics do, but this one focuses on religion and suppression of religion for fear of uprising. Also the effects on a person after the death of a close friend, as a psychic it seems that Anderson feels this acutely and as a result other psychics can feel this from her a great deal.
I think that I need to read the Dredd and see it is the same style, I like it because I like the movie, but maybe the comics are a little too dark for me, which is unusual as I will read most things.
Edit: I read some of the Dredd comic and found it to be in a similar style, which I also disliked.
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